Sepoy mutiny definition for kids
Sepoy mutiny definition for kids

Despite … Sepoy rebellion meaning in history Web One root cause of the revolt was Britain's disregard for Indian culture. British manufacturers soon changed the cartridges in an attempt to calm the spreading anger among the soldiers, but this move … The Sepoy Rebellion Stanford History Education Group AP World – 6.3 Indigenous Responses to Imperialism Fiveable WebIn 1857, the sepoys launched a revolt against the British called the Indian Mutiny, or Sepoy Rebellion. The sepoys' revolt began in Meerut, the first area to receive the new weapons.Jun 7 The Sepoy Rebellion Matthew Jarrett Going by many names such as The Sepoy Rebellion, The Sepoy Mutiny, The Indian Mutiny and in India is known as the … safari cruises alaska Sepoy rebellion meaning in history Web.

sepoy mutiny definition for kids

#Sepoy mutiny definition for kids free#

What was the effect of the Sepoy Mutiny? – SidmartinBio Sepoy Mutiny - definition of Sepoy Mutiny by The Free Dictionary Web It is also called the Sepoy Revolt because Indian troops in the British … What_Caused_the_Sepoy_Rebellion - What Caused the Sepoy. Sepoy Mutiny: Indian Revolt of 1857 - ThoughtCo Sepoy rebellion meaning in history Why did the Indian Mutiny happen? National Army Museum Taiping Rebellion: Causes, Definition & Death Toll - HISTORY WebThe Indian Mutiny of 1857 was a rebellion against British rule by a large part of the Bengal army in India.

sepoy mutiny definition for kids

Also called Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. Sepoy rebellion meaning in history safari cruises WebSepoy Rebellion: Meaning and Definition of Se'poy Rebel'lion Pronunciation: a revolt of the sepoy troops in British India (1857–59), resulting in the transfer of the administration of India from the East India Company to the crown.

Sepoy mutiny definition for kids